Weston Kids

Weston Kids

Monday, July 14, 2014

Vacation, Diaper Free and Two-Wheelers!!

The month of June was a busy time.  School got out.  That was busy all on itself.  Shortly thereafter Owen decided it was time to become diaper free (can't tell you how excited I was for that!!).   Only took a few days and some half naked nudity (plus a few puddles on my tile floor), but he got it done.  Then only about a week later we were off on our vacation to Utah.  13 hour car ride with a newly potty trained boy.  I was nervous, but he did really well.  No accidents, just a few extra potty breaks.  He started recognizing Rest Areas signs and wanted to stop at all of them.  After 12 years and 4 children, I am finally done with diapers and I can't tell you how great that is!  Now at a month potty trained, he is a pro!

Speaking of vacations, our trip to Utah was fun, yet not so fun (at least for me).  We got there on a Saturday evening, Sunday we tooled around and I had a lovely headache from the 7,000 ft altitude.  I've never done well with high altitude, always got a headache or nausea.  Whenever we head to Tahoe, I take a bunch of Tylenol before we head out, just so I know I will be ok.  Headache finally went away around 5pm Sunday and we all made way to the pool for some fun swimming.  Monday morning I got a nice run in and was feeling good.  We went and saw Bob's dad and later met up with his grandfather for dinner.  Tuesday we went to a Salt Lake Bee's game and then later went for another swim at the pool.  By the time we got back to the condo to make dinner I was feeling sick (nauseated) and soon there after I was down until late day Thursday with a stomach bug and a nasty headache that had my head in a vice and had just enough energy to go from the bed to the bathroom.  It was awful to say the least.  Sucks to be sick, but being sick while on vacation sucks triple.  Bob was great and took the kids out Wednesday and Thursday all on his own.  The quiet back at the condo was nice so I could just sleep off whatever sickness was invading me.  By the time I was feeling better Thursday evening, Bob and I were just hoping no one else got it, because it came on out of nowhere and knocks you out.  Unfortunately Ethan woke up Friday morning with an upset tummy (that thankfully only lasted the morning and then was done).  But we decided to better be safe than sorry and head home a day early.  I was bummed, because there was still so much that I wanted to see and do that I missed out on, but knew that making our way home was probably for the best.  We made it home after a long, long drive.  Luckily we were home, because Bob woke up Saturday morning feel highly crappy.  His energy was completely lost and was stuck in bed sleeping all day with the funk.  Luckily he was the last one to get the funk.

I was a little nervous for Abby because she was heading out Monday for Girl Scout Camp for 4 days and getting that illness while there would have been awful for her.  I was thankful it didn't get her.

Abby headed off for Girl Scout camp 2 days after we got back from Utah.  She went to Camp Menzies which is about 2 hours away near Angels Camp.  She went last year too and enjoyed herself.  By the time she made it home, she was a dirty stinky mess.  But we were all still happy to see her!  Then only 3 days after Girl Scout Camp, she headed off to Oregon with her Uncle Brian and Aunt Valerie for a week's adventure with them on their ranch.  She had a bunch of fun there with fishing, 4 wheeling, hiking and tubing down the river.

Aaron was a brave boy and by chance wanted to try riding Ethan's two-wheeler.  Took him just a few tries and he got it down!  As awkward as Aaron is...I was shocked he picked up on riding a two-wheeler so quickly.  He loved the fact that Ethan didn't learn how to ride a two-wheeler until he was 6...and Aaron JUST turned 5.  Made him smile real big...and tease Ethan with that knowledge.

July is bringing more adventures to the Weston clan.  We have a pending sale on our Natomas house.  After owning is for 11 years...it was just time to sell it.  It is scheduled to close escrow in August to a retiring military family, so we feel great on who our home is going to.

We have 2 birthdays coming up...Abby will be turning 12 on July 31st and Ethan will be 7 on August 6th.  So busy birthday parties coming soon! 

We also have a camping trip to Santa Cruz coming soon that I am truly looking forward to.  The cooler weather of the coast is calling my name after some 100+ degree days here in the valley.  

I just ran a 10k in a run in Davis over the past weekend.  I wanted to complete it in less than an hour (which honestly I didn't think I could accomplish).  It started at 7:30pm...and at that time it was still about 90 degrees outside.  So it was quite warmer than I am used to running in or like to run in.  It was a little bit of a struggle since it was so warm.  I always where chapstick because I can't stand running with dry lips...just reminds you that you are thirsty.  My chapstick didn't last and I was feeling thirsty and hot.  Kept the positive thoughts amping my brain to keep me going.  I made it through and noticed the time at the finish and was thrilled to see I was going to cross at just less than one hour.  My times were the fastest I had run (new personal record) and I did it all in the heat!  I can't tell you how thrilled I was.  My average min/mi was 9:38...and to think that just a few months ago I was at (10:50).  I've learned that you are your worst enemy and biggest cheerleader.  If I constantly chant myself during a hard run (yes, I will talk to myself while running) then I am less likely to give up.

More adventure stories to come soon!!

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