Weston Kids

Weston Kids

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Owen James

Owen James was born on 11/21/11 at 7:18 am.  I was set to be induced with him on 11/21 at 6:15, but luckily my body did it's own thing and I went into labor with him around 11pm on 11/20.  By the time we go to the hospital around 4am, I was already dilated to 8cm.  I was really concerned at this point that an epidural would have been out to the question.  I was really relieved when they gave me one.  They even let me wait an hour once I was dilated to 10 to give his head more time to come down.  So I could rest a little with the epidural before I had to start pushing.  Unfortunately they didn't put me on an epidural drip - just a 2 hour dosage and my epidural started wearing off on my right side just shortly before I was supposed to start pushing.  After about 30 minutes of being in utter pain again, I got another 2 hour shot.  10 minutes after the shot, I was ready to start pushing.  Pushed for 10 minutes and out he came.  LOL - he started crying on his own before he was even completely out.  He was gorgeous!  

When I first found out I was pregnant with him (he was a BIG surprise) I was nervous to say the least.  I was completely convinced in my head that 3 was it and I was done.  Nowhere in my mind was I even considering having a 4th child.  So when I found out I was pregnant, I acted very selfishly.  I am beyond a shadow of a doubt in LOVE with this little guy and cannot believe that the doubt I felt 9 months ago was even generated.  I cannot imagine my life without him in it....even with him only being with me for 8 days.  Don't get me wrong...I never didn't want him...just took me a bit to accept the changes that were going to occur.

He has been such an easy going little guy.  That has truly made the transition to a family of 6 far easier...especially since we came home from the hospital to a family of sick kids.  Hopefully mommy's miracle milk will keep him safe from the germs that are finally making their exit.

All for now.  Will keep posting updates as they come.  =)


  1. Thanks for sharing! He' s a cutie!

  2. I had those same feeling when I found out about #3... but I wouldn't trade him for anything. Owen is sure a keeper and what a doll baby. love you guys bunches.
