Weston Kids

Weston Kids

Friday, December 2, 2011

Some Days...

Some days are easier than others.  I am very thankful that all the kids are MUCH better with their health.  Looks like the cold bug has finally left this house.  The antibiotics that we got for Aaron last week finally helped kick whatever he had.  Poor boy was sick for like a month.  He was starting to look think from not wanting to eat.  So glad he is better and his appetite is definitely back!

Owen is now 11 days old and doing very well.  He is nursing like a champ and my large boobs are feeling it.  LOL!  He gets circumcised next Wednesday since they didn't do it in the hospital.  The pediatrician in the hospital said he didn't have enough foreskin to do a circumcision, but when I took him to his pediatrician on his 2 day appointment, they couldn't see why they couldn't have done it.  That he has plenty to work with.  So the poor boy will have it done at 2 weeks old...luckily he is still plenty young enough that he won't remember much of anything.  He is already out of newborn diapers and most of the newborn sized clothing is getting too short.  So I know he is growing nicely.

Abby is taking a Self Defense class offered through the GATE program at her school.  They were offering about 5 different after school programs for the kids in the GATE program and she wanted to learn self defense which is fine with me.  She'll need it with 3 brothers...  She starts up indoor soccer in January and I believe practice for it starts this weekend...so much for a break from soccer, but she loves it and we love watching her.

Ethan is still loving school and doing very well.  He is like a sponge!  I need to get him into an extracurricular activity, but haven't found what he likes yet.  Thought karate would be good for him, but he seems scared to try it.  I think maybe I might take him to watch a session and see if it interests him or if he'd still be scared.

I'm taking a little break from my crafts...though I think 2 weeks will be enough, but we'll see.  I may make it to the end of the year.  It's nice to not have to work on an order every night, but I do miss it.  

Bob is keeping busy as usual, but it's nice to see him taking some time for himself.  He is getting more into golf which I think is a great outlet for him.

Other than that, we are all well and doing dandy.  Need to finish my Christmas Shopping...I feel behind this year, but know I will get it done.  =)

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