Weston Kids

Weston Kids

Friday, December 16, 2011

Almost Christmas....

Here is an update for the Weston Family.

Bob is working hard...as usual...but I am hoping with Christmas quickly approaching I can get some good rest out of him.  He has a house currently in escrow with a new buyer that is scheduled to close next week.  I am glad he enjoys doing real estate part time.  Hopefully once the kids are a little bigger, I can get my license and we can do real estate together.

Abby is on her last day of school for the year.  She is excited to have some time off from school for Christmas and New Years.  She just finished up a month long Tae Kwon Do class at school that was offered to the GATE kids.  She has also been working hard with Choir for school and had a Holiday performance today.  She is starting soccer back up after a 2 week break from rec soccer to indoor soccer that starts up in January.  We love indoor soccer...very fast paced and fun to watch!

Ethan is loving school and making some fabulous adorable Christmas decor for the house.  Ethan is loving being a big brother again.  He says that Owen is HIS baby...and as possessive as he is with him, you'd think he really believes that.  

Aaron has started potty training and I am hoping he pick it up quickly.  It will be nice to only have one child in diapers....just when I thought I was almost done...  =)  Aaron is growing up very quickly these days.  Counting to 20 and learning his alphabet.  He picks up on so much of what Ethan learns in preschool.  I love it!

Owen is almost a month old already!  Time goes by so fast and especially faster when you have 4 children.  He's growing so well. Had gained 2 lbs. in 2 weeks.  Can't say that he is not a good eater!  He is very snuggable & loving.  He has been a very good baby.  Already giving me 4 hour stints at bedtime which is nice.  I am hoping he will be sleeping through the night by 3 months old.  Crossing fingers!  

As for me...I am doing well.  Just trying to get a routine down with 4 kids, housework and crafts.  Some days I feel overwhelmed and others are easier.  It helps having Abby in school and Ethan in preschool (3 days a week) for me to having some breathing room to get stuff accomplished.  It's a lot of work and I may lose my patience occasionally, but it's very rewarding.  

Now we just need to get our Christmas Shopping done and I will feel a sense of Holiday Goodness in the air.


  1. Jess, they are SO adorable! And they sound super: smart & mischievous, just how they should be!!!
