Weston Kids

Weston Kids

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Capital City Classic

Got a chance to run the Capital City Classic this past Sunday (4/27/14) and ran the 10 mile course.  The race started at Crocker Park right next to the Crocker Art Museum downtown.  I got my friend Jessica Warshaw to come run it with me.  There were about 1400 runners in this event...but split between a 5k, 10k and 10 mile run.  It was a nice course around areas of downtown, West Sac and Old Sacramento.  The weather was perfect running weather and made for a fabulous run.  Here are some pics that I took to remember the day!

The Starting Line.

My Running Bib.

Jessica & I ready to go!

The Finish Line!
(with a pic of Jessica crossing the finish)

Jessica & I all done with out 10 miles!

My pretty medal to add to my collection!

My race times!  
Improved since my last 10 mile run last September.

Had a great run with a great friend and can't wait until my next run.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Mr. Wonderful...Aaron

Mr. Aaron is some kind of wonderful.  

Aaron was born angry and grumpy and definitely looked like a pissed off old man.  His only happy place was nursing...13 months of it.  Once he got a little bigger and weened, he grew into this smiley faced, sweet little man.

To go back to when he was born...he was 8lbs. 12oz. which was a far cry from my two previous babies of 6lb 9 oz and 6lb 7oz.  I was amazed at how big he was and loved his chubbiness.  When he was delivered, normally the doctor will put the baby on the mom and then cut the cord.  Aaron's umbilical cord was short and fat and wasn't long enough to place him still attached onto my belly.  They has to cut it holding him near my leg.  Because of the short, fat umbilical cord, he has a small herniated belly button.  Here he is with his cute cheerio belly button.  Nothing major to need to repair...but gave us the option if we chose to later.

Now on to when he is 3 years old.  We decided to start all our children at the dentist when they are 3.  Just worked well for us.  So Aaron went to the dentist with his 2 older siblings for his first checkup.  Luckily we know our children's dentist personally, so made what we found out a little easier.  When Aaron's teeth were coming in as a baby we noticed that one of his teeth was coming in as two teeth (or a twin tooth - like the tooth split into two).  So my general concern for when he had his first appointment was finding out if these twin teeth would effect his permanent teeth.  He said not likely, but they would know more when they did the x-rays.  X-rays taken and we come to find out that Aaron is missing a majority of his permanent teeth.  Pretty much all his top front teeth and a few bottom front teeth.  Won't know about the molars until later when he is bigger.  I was shocked, but cool...just how I react.  For me, there is always something positive to see.  His doctor thought he knew what the condition was, but that we needed to go back to our doctor with the dental x-rays and go through some genetic testing.  So we went to his pediatrician and made our way to a Genetic Counselor and did some testing.  Come to find that umbilical cord/belly button, teeth and eyes were all connected to a rare genetic condition that Aaron seems to have (they didn't have a specific test for his condition because it is so rare, but that what he has falls into it's parameters).  He was diagnosed with Reiger's Syndrome and luckily has only a few of the characteristics.  After we met with the Genetic Counselor we also met with an eye doctor...because as part of Reiger's, they generally have some eye abnormalities.  We met with the eye doctor and Aaron has the eye abnormality in one eye as well as early onset of glaucoma...which is stable with drops.  Aaron's pupil in his left eye does not sit center and is not round like yours or mine.  His sits at about 4 o'clock on his eye and is teardrop shaped (see pic below).  With Reiger's, it is generally caught at birth because of the eye abnormality, but Aaron has such dark eyes...basically black, no one saw it.  You have to shine a bright light in his eyes to see it.  He wears glasses to strengthen his brain (not so much his eye), because if he favors his good eye, he has the chance of losing his vision in his left eye.  So with the glasses, he has to wear a patch on his good eye for 4 hours every day to strengthen his brain to use that eye normally.  He hates his patch, but tolerates it.  He is such a good boy!  He is always awesome at the eye doctor (which we have to go see every 3-4 months) to check his pressures and take pics of his optic nerves.  

Right now is the easy part...just general maintenance.  I am not looking forward to when he gets to the age of losing teeth and doesn't lose them.  How sad he will be.  I will need to think of something grand for him.  We have to keep his baby teeth strong and healthy because they will be the foundation for caps later on.  In hindsight...he will have a mouth full of perfect teeth when he is an adult.  But I feel for all the dental work in his future.  The goal is to keep all his teeth strong and to keep his vision permanent.  I want him to drive a car one day.  If glasses and eye drops are all he has to worry about as adult, then I will be happy.

He's a precious boy and I love him dearly.  He will be 5 in June and about to start kindergarten and soccer this fall.  So many new things for him this year that I am overly excited for him.  If you have ever met Aaron, he is truly a boy that marches to his own drum...a true character!  

Friday, April 4, 2014

Clean Eating & Running

Bob is on a 60 Day Biggest Loser Challenge with his work out gang over at All the Way Fit.  He is almost done with his first week and is down 5 lbs.  Great way to start off!  He's been doing SO well with no sugar, no starches, no pasta & no processed foods.  And I have been a good wife to not sabotage his hard work.  Though I saw him eyeing the Doritos when I was making the kid's their lunches.  I am eating meals with him so he doesn't feel alone, but I am not cutting everything out.  We generally don't eat processed foods to begin with, so those are the easiest to cut out.  Sugar...a little harder since I crave a piece of chocolate every now and then.  Plus I can't seem to pass by a good, yummy, soft, warm french bread without wanting to take it home and devour it.  But...I have been modifying some meals to meet Bob's needs.

Tried my hand at making chili last night...but this time a Quinoa Chili...meatless, but packed full of protein and veggies.  Here is a link to the recipe that I found off of Pinterest (love that site!).


It was quite tasty....even Ethan tried some.  The quinoa gives is a little different texture than meat, but it was still really good.  No french bread or corn bread (big sad face), but it was quite filling without it.

Today it was rainy...even though the forecast said no rain...really?!  So I left little man at home with Bob and did my short route of 5.25 miles.  I LOVE running in the rain.  Especially on the trails.  Reminds me of camping up along the northern coast of Oregon as a child.  Makes me smile.  All the snails were out along the path today, so I was doing some great moves to avoid crunching them.  Glad there weren't many people out today.  =)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Runner Mom

My running adventures are this girl's peace.  I do have a love/hate relationship with running, but mostly it's love.  I love being outside...it's very refreshing and renewing for me...especially with having 4 kids.  

Today I did my normal route.  I've been avoiding part of the trail I go on since my 1/2 marathon 2 weeks ago because my left foot had been bugging me, but since I felt great, I did the extra trail today.  I push my son Owen (who is 2) in a jogging stroller pretty much every day I go out.  It's a great extra calorie burner, plus when I do go run alone, I feel extra strong because I'm not pushing around a bunch of extra weight.

Today was a nice sunny day after a few days of blah and rain.  It was great to feel the warmth of the sun on me.  Here are some pics from the run.

I ran 7.25 miles today and was my run #39 for the year.  Wore some new capris today...I normally go black (because they are slimming right??!!), but today I went for a dark gray...was a little nervous because I do sweat when I run and I was worried about looking like I peed myself from the sweat marks.  But none to be seen!  Yay!  

After my run I was FAMISHED...so I made a egg scramble inspired by my hubby.  Eggs with fresh spinach, onions, peppers, mushrooms and sausage.  Topped with salsa.  Super yummy!!

My next run will be Friday...weather permitting.  Plus I do have a crossfit class tomorrow morning for some strength training.  Yay!  This girl will be in the best shape ever!

My Baseball Boy.

Ethan is having such a great time playing baseball.  This year he is playing Farm.  He likes it better than t-ball....a little more action.  They get pitched to with a pitching machine that the coaches control.  Gets they used to batting at a ball coming at them, plus it give the coaches control on the height that the ball is coming at them.  It's fun to watch.  The one thing we are getting used to is having to be at the game for over 2 hours....with 4 kids....  Luckily we can use Abby to help keep an eye on Owen so we can actually watch most of the game.  She earns extra time up for Saturday night by helping out.  I'm all for bribery.  Ethan has done really well since the season started.  Last game he earned the game ball from going 3-3 with 3 RBI's.  I love watching him.  He looks like a natural when he plays.  Here is a video from his last game.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

What's going on???

Was reading through my blog yesterday...almost forgot I had it!  It was a nice stroll down memory lane!  So here is an update to bring everyone present.

Abby is nearing the end of her first year of middle school (6th grade) and has adapted very well.  She just recently brought home her 2nd trimester report card and another full round of straight A's.  She has made some good friends this year and her social calendar is growing!  She is in her 8th year of Girl Scouts and is in a new troop that she loves!  She is now a Cadette and will bridge to a Senior when she starts high school.  If she can keep going throughout HS, she can get some great scholarships for college.  Fingers crossed!

Ethan is doing really well with 1st grade.  He was struggling with reading and picking up on his site words in the beginning of the year, but with an added reading class for a few weeks before school, he is back up to grade level and continuing to exceed.  He has been getting really great grades as well, but needs to work on following his teacher's instructions during class...gets distracted easily (but what 6 year old boy doesn't??).  He played basketball in January and February and start baseball in March.  He is on a Farm team this year (Yankees) and is loving it.  They use a pitching machine that the coaches control vs. a tee to hit the ball from.  He will excel at baseball and I think he knows it.  He got to join Cub Scouts this year and has been having a lot of fun with that.  Between sports and Cub Scouts, he is keeping Bob busy...but I think they like that personal bonding time together.

Aaron is finishing up preschool and will start kindergarten in August.  He was SUPER shy when he started, but is loving it ever day he gets to go.  He goes MWF and always asks me if today he gets to go to school.  Can't believe he starts kinder this year!  So amazing how time flies!  Owen won't know what to do with himself without his buddy here with him to play.  Going to get Aaron signed up for soccer this year...his first year playing a sport.  Nervous with him playing sports, but I know he will love it.  

Owen is growing like a weed.  He is definitely independent.  But that's ok.  He's playing well on his own that I can get things accomplished during the day.  His speech is still behind.  He has words...but doesn't create any sentences yet.  I've been really working with him to see if we can't get him to start talking more.   I guess he is just not ready to have a conversation yet.  

Bob has been busy with work...got switched to a new team and has been trying to get his feel there.  He's been Ethan's shuttle dad for basketball & cub scouts, so that has been a nice break for me.  Bob got to go to Arizona this year for the Giant's Spring Training for a week with his stepdad and brother.  They had a blast and made an agreement to do this trip every other year together.  Now I just need to plan a girl's trip right?!  

I've been doing great.  Started running at the end of Dec. 2012 and been running ever since.  I started off with the C25K program and worked my way to a 5K (did 3 of those in March/April 2013) and then to a 10K in Sept. 2013 and then to a 10 mile (October 2013) and finally to my first 1/2 marathon in October 2013.  I finished my first 1/2 with a time of 2:28.  I just completed my 2nd 1/2 marathon in March 2014 with a time of 2:20 and was able to run the whole thing without stopping once.  I have few more runs set for this year (10 miler, 10k and another 1/2 marathon).  My goal is to eventually do a full marathon (CIM), but not sure if I will be ready for it this year or push it off until 2015.  We will have to see.  I LOVE running.  I run 3 days a week and do crossfit training 2 times a week.  With 4 kids, I needed to do something for myself...otherwise my kids would leave me behind.  This way I can definitely keep up with them.

We have some great vacations planned for this year.  Trip to Park City, UT, camping trip to Santa Cruz and a trip to Disneyland.  Can't wait!!!  Definitely in the need of some family FUN!!

We hope everyone is well!