Weston Kids

Weston Kids

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

My Baseball Boy.

Ethan is having such a great time playing baseball.  This year he is playing Farm.  He likes it better than t-ball....a little more action.  They get pitched to with a pitching machine that the coaches control.  Gets they used to batting at a ball coming at them, plus it give the coaches control on the height that the ball is coming at them.  It's fun to watch.  The one thing we are getting used to is having to be at the game for over 2 hours....with 4 kids....  Luckily we can use Abby to help keep an eye on Owen so we can actually watch most of the game.  She earns extra time up for Saturday night by helping out.  I'm all for bribery.  Ethan has done really well since the season started.  Last game he earned the game ball from going 3-3 with 3 RBI's.  I love watching him.  He looks like a natural when he plays.  Here is a video from his last game.

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