Weston Kids

Weston Kids

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

What's going on???

Was reading through my blog yesterday...almost forgot I had it!  It was a nice stroll down memory lane!  So here is an update to bring everyone present.

Abby is nearing the end of her first year of middle school (6th grade) and has adapted very well.  She just recently brought home her 2nd trimester report card and another full round of straight A's.  She has made some good friends this year and her social calendar is growing!  She is in her 8th year of Girl Scouts and is in a new troop that she loves!  She is now a Cadette and will bridge to a Senior when she starts high school.  If she can keep going throughout HS, she can get some great scholarships for college.  Fingers crossed!

Ethan is doing really well with 1st grade.  He was struggling with reading and picking up on his site words in the beginning of the year, but with an added reading class for a few weeks before school, he is back up to grade level and continuing to exceed.  He has been getting really great grades as well, but needs to work on following his teacher's instructions during class...gets distracted easily (but what 6 year old boy doesn't??).  He played basketball in January and February and start baseball in March.  He is on a Farm team this year (Yankees) and is loving it.  They use a pitching machine that the coaches control vs. a tee to hit the ball from.  He will excel at baseball and I think he knows it.  He got to join Cub Scouts this year and has been having a lot of fun with that.  Between sports and Cub Scouts, he is keeping Bob busy...but I think they like that personal bonding time together.

Aaron is finishing up preschool and will start kindergarten in August.  He was SUPER shy when he started, but is loving it ever day he gets to go.  He goes MWF and always asks me if today he gets to go to school.  Can't believe he starts kinder this year!  So amazing how time flies!  Owen won't know what to do with himself without his buddy here with him to play.  Going to get Aaron signed up for soccer this year...his first year playing a sport.  Nervous with him playing sports, but I know he will love it.  

Owen is growing like a weed.  He is definitely independent.  But that's ok.  He's playing well on his own that I can get things accomplished during the day.  His speech is still behind.  He has words...but doesn't create any sentences yet.  I've been really working with him to see if we can't get him to start talking more.   I guess he is just not ready to have a conversation yet.  

Bob has been busy with work...got switched to a new team and has been trying to get his feel there.  He's been Ethan's shuttle dad for basketball & cub scouts, so that has been a nice break for me.  Bob got to go to Arizona this year for the Giant's Spring Training for a week with his stepdad and brother.  They had a blast and made an agreement to do this trip every other year together.  Now I just need to plan a girl's trip right?!  

I've been doing great.  Started running at the end of Dec. 2012 and been running ever since.  I started off with the C25K program and worked my way to a 5K (did 3 of those in March/April 2013) and then to a 10K in Sept. 2013 and then to a 10 mile (October 2013) and finally to my first 1/2 marathon in October 2013.  I finished my first 1/2 with a time of 2:28.  I just completed my 2nd 1/2 marathon in March 2014 with a time of 2:20 and was able to run the whole thing without stopping once.  I have few more runs set for this year (10 miler, 10k and another 1/2 marathon).  My goal is to eventually do a full marathon (CIM), but not sure if I will be ready for it this year or push it off until 2015.  We will have to see.  I LOVE running.  I run 3 days a week and do crossfit training 2 times a week.  With 4 kids, I needed to do something for myself...otherwise my kids would leave me behind.  This way I can definitely keep up with them.

We have some great vacations planned for this year.  Trip to Park City, UT, camping trip to Santa Cruz and a trip to Disneyland.  Can't wait!!!  Definitely in the need of some family FUN!!

We hope everyone is well!

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