Weston Kids

Weston Kids

Friday, December 16, 2011

Almost Christmas....

Here is an update for the Weston Family.

Bob is working hard...as usual...but I am hoping with Christmas quickly approaching I can get some good rest out of him.  He has a house currently in escrow with a new buyer that is scheduled to close next week.  I am glad he enjoys doing real estate part time.  Hopefully once the kids are a little bigger, I can get my license and we can do real estate together.

Abby is on her last day of school for the year.  She is excited to have some time off from school for Christmas and New Years.  She just finished up a month long Tae Kwon Do class at school that was offered to the GATE kids.  She has also been working hard with Choir for school and had a Holiday performance today.  She is starting soccer back up after a 2 week break from rec soccer to indoor soccer that starts up in January.  We love indoor soccer...very fast paced and fun to watch!

Ethan is loving school and making some fabulous adorable Christmas decor for the house.  Ethan is loving being a big brother again.  He says that Owen is HIS baby...and as possessive as he is with him, you'd think he really believes that.  

Aaron has started potty training and I am hoping he pick it up quickly.  It will be nice to only have one child in diapers....just when I thought I was almost done...  =)  Aaron is growing up very quickly these days.  Counting to 20 and learning his alphabet.  He picks up on so much of what Ethan learns in preschool.  I love it!

Owen is almost a month old already!  Time goes by so fast and especially faster when you have 4 children.  He's growing so well. Had gained 2 lbs. in 2 weeks.  Can't say that he is not a good eater!  He is very snuggable & loving.  He has been a very good baby.  Already giving me 4 hour stints at bedtime which is nice.  I am hoping he will be sleeping through the night by 3 months old.  Crossing fingers!  

As for me...I am doing well.  Just trying to get a routine down with 4 kids, housework and crafts.  Some days I feel overwhelmed and others are easier.  It helps having Abby in school and Ethan in preschool (3 days a week) for me to having some breathing room to get stuff accomplished.  It's a lot of work and I may lose my patience occasionally, but it's very rewarding.  

Now we just need to get our Christmas Shopping done and I will feel a sense of Holiday Goodness in the air.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Some Days...

Some days are easier than others.  I am very thankful that all the kids are MUCH better with their health.  Looks like the cold bug has finally left this house.  The antibiotics that we got for Aaron last week finally helped kick whatever he had.  Poor boy was sick for like a month.  He was starting to look think from not wanting to eat.  So glad he is better and his appetite is definitely back!

Owen is now 11 days old and doing very well.  He is nursing like a champ and my large boobs are feeling it.  LOL!  He gets circumcised next Wednesday since they didn't do it in the hospital.  The pediatrician in the hospital said he didn't have enough foreskin to do a circumcision, but when I took him to his pediatrician on his 2 day appointment, they couldn't see why they couldn't have done it.  That he has plenty to work with.  So the poor boy will have it done at 2 weeks old...luckily he is still plenty young enough that he won't remember much of anything.  He is already out of newborn diapers and most of the newborn sized clothing is getting too short.  So I know he is growing nicely.

Abby is taking a Self Defense class offered through the GATE program at her school.  They were offering about 5 different after school programs for the kids in the GATE program and she wanted to learn self defense which is fine with me.  She'll need it with 3 brothers...  She starts up indoor soccer in January and I believe practice for it starts this weekend...so much for a break from soccer, but she loves it and we love watching her.

Ethan is still loving school and doing very well.  He is like a sponge!  I need to get him into an extracurricular activity, but haven't found what he likes yet.  Thought karate would be good for him, but he seems scared to try it.  I think maybe I might take him to watch a session and see if it interests him or if he'd still be scared.

I'm taking a little break from my crafts...though I think 2 weeks will be enough, but we'll see.  I may make it to the end of the year.  It's nice to not have to work on an order every night, but I do miss it.  

Bob is keeping busy as usual, but it's nice to see him taking some time for himself.  He is getting more into golf which I think is a great outlet for him.

Other than that, we are all well and doing dandy.  Need to finish my Christmas Shopping...I feel behind this year, but know I will get it done.  =)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Owen James

Owen James was born on 11/21/11 at 7:18 am.  I was set to be induced with him on 11/21 at 6:15, but luckily my body did it's own thing and I went into labor with him around 11pm on 11/20.  By the time we go to the hospital around 4am, I was already dilated to 8cm.  I was really concerned at this point that an epidural would have been out to the question.  I was really relieved when they gave me one.  They even let me wait an hour once I was dilated to 10 to give his head more time to come down.  So I could rest a little with the epidural before I had to start pushing.  Unfortunately they didn't put me on an epidural drip - just a 2 hour dosage and my epidural started wearing off on my right side just shortly before I was supposed to start pushing.  After about 30 minutes of being in utter pain again, I got another 2 hour shot.  10 minutes after the shot, I was ready to start pushing.  Pushed for 10 minutes and out he came.  LOL - he started crying on his own before he was even completely out.  He was gorgeous!  

When I first found out I was pregnant with him (he was a BIG surprise) I was nervous to say the least.  I was completely convinced in my head that 3 was it and I was done.  Nowhere in my mind was I even considering having a 4th child.  So when I found out I was pregnant, I acted very selfishly.  I am beyond a shadow of a doubt in LOVE with this little guy and cannot believe that the doubt I felt 9 months ago was even generated.  I cannot imagine my life without him in it....even with him only being with me for 8 days.  Don't get me wrong...I never didn't want him...just took me a bit to accept the changes that were going to occur.

He has been such an easy going little guy.  That has truly made the transition to a family of 6 far easier...especially since we came home from the hospital to a family of sick kids.  Hopefully mommy's miracle milk will keep him safe from the germs that are finally making their exit.

All for now.  Will keep posting updates as they come.  =)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Kid's Christmas Lists

Here are the Christmas Lists for the kids.  If you choose to get something off their list, let me know and I will mark it so we don't have to worry about duplicate gifts.  Please...no holiday outfits for the kids.

The Ghost of Crutchfield Hall Book   already got

The Red Pyramid Book  already got
3rd Book in the 39 Clues Book Series
Fijit Friends Toy
FurReal White Puppy
Reel Steal (movie)
Brain Teaser Game
Apple Gift Cards - to go towards an iPod
Loopz Game
Uno Roboto  already got
Size 8 in jeans/pants
Size 8 or 10 in tops
Size 2 in shoes
Med in PJ's


Red Light Saber  already got =)
Bear's Loose Tooth Book
Lego Kits (Star Wars or Transformers) - nothing too complicated
Transformers Playskool Hero Rescue Bots 
Hungry Hungry Hippos Game  already got
Uno Moo!     already got =)
LeapPad & Games
Size 4T pants
Size 4T Tops
Size 10 shoe
4T in PJ's


Cookie Monster Count N Crunch 
Cookie Monster Keyboard (Let's Rock)
Playskool Poppin Park Elefun Ball Popper
Transformers Eletronic Fire Station Prime
Transformers Playskool Hero Rescue Bots
Little People Zig the Big Rig  already got
Memory Game  already got =) 
Puppy Dog Pillow Pet  already got
Size 2T pants
Size 3T
Size 8 1/2 in shoes
3T in PJ's

As for Owen...he could use clothing.

Warmer clothes up to 3-6 mos.
Cooler clothes for bigger sizes.  =)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Just a few more weeks...

Just a few more weeks to go.  Only about 3 more weeks and I will get to meet this little guy that has been squirming and kicking me the past 9 months.  I'm very excited!  And yes, this is officially our last little one.  My tubes are being tied within a few weeks of him being here.

I am feeling large but still feeling really good.  My energy is still rocking, though I have times I just want to sit on the couch an veg out.  But I think I am doing pretty good for being 36 weeks pregnant with 3 active kids who don't have a pause button.


Abby's soccer team got moved from Div. 2 to Div. 1 after the first 5 game reevaluation.  We'll see how they do.  Lost their first game Saturday, but they played really well.  A little tougher competition.  Abby started choir this past week at school and as much as this girl loves to sing and perform...she should be in hog heaven.

Ethan is doing really well in preschool and loving every minute he is there.  Today they have a fire truck coming for a visit from a local station.  He's super excited about that.  He's also been riding his big boy bike with Bob a few nights a week.  I think we may try him without the training wheels here soon.  

Got Ethan and Aaron some big boy beds (a bunk bed from Ikea).  They LOVE it.  Makes them both feel like big boys!  I love it because it takes up less room in their bedroom and it's a smaller sized bunk bed which is perfect for a 2 and 4 year old.  

Aaron's vocabulary has skyrocketed in the last few months.  The boy is speaking in nice clear sentences.  I guess that's to be expected when you have two older siblings to keep up with.  Aaron is getting excited for the holidays...he is understanding what Halloween means and is getting amped up every time he sees a pumpkin or Halloween decoration in the neighborhood.

Well, all for now.  Need to go do some laundry before Bob complains that he is out of underwear.  =)

Friday, September 30, 2011

7 More Weeks...

7 more weeks this week...maybe less...hopefully.  From the look at the weather, it looks like Fall will officially start around here next week.  Can't wait.  Love the cooler weather, leaves changing color and getting ready for the Holidays.

Ethan has his first official Field Trip next Tuesday with his preschool.  BUT...there is rain in the forecast.  Hopefully it stays at bay until the end of the day so the kids can have a fabulous day at the pumpkin patch.  

Abby has her 4th game of the season tomorrow for soccer.  So far they are 3-0...let's hope (cross fingers and toes) they can keep up their streak.  Tomorrow is also the Silent Game, which means that we can cheer positively...but no coaching the girls at all during the game.  Which should be interesting.  Some of us may need duct tape.

More later....  =)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Soccer & Candy Festival

Yesterday Abby had her 3rd game of the season.  Cyclones won 4-1, their 3rd win in a row.  I am very proud of Abby...she is doing so well.  Much better than last season.  We call her Scrappy Doo, mainly because of her shortness, but that she is not afraid to go after that ball and defend the goal.  She usually play defense and is very good at it.  Next game I will try to remember my camera...I am usually so involved with cheering and making sure the boys aren't getting into things they shouldn't be that taking pictures would need to be done with a 3rd eye.  =)

After the game, we decided to take the kids to the California Candy Festival that was being held at the Jelly Belly Factory in Fairfield, CA.  It was fun for the kids.  They had some candy samples, food truck vendors (one with some AWESOME smelling Paella), live cover bands and a carnival with rides for the kids.  The weather was pleasant with a nice breeze, so that made the day really nice.  Took the free tour of the factory and had some jelly bean samples (really liked the chocolate covered cherry flavor!).  By the end of the day, the kids and my feet were worn out nicely.  Love family days like this one.

Friday, September 23, 2011

8 weeks left....

Only 8 weeks left...8 weeks right now seems like FOREVER....

You'd think with this being my 4th child I'd be used to this by now, but I am very much ready to have my body back, be able to bend over, sleep on my back, see my toes and not have everyone ask me if I am having twins.  The last few weeks of a pregnancy are the hardest...the waiting game when you are ready, ready, ready to be done.

I am very blessed that all my pregnancies (as my doctor puts it) are nice and boring.  No problems, no complications...just nice and smooth.  Knock on wood.  

As of right not, Owen is breech and hopefully in the next 8 weeks he turns his little tooshie around and gets head down because momma is not pushing him out butt first.  I'm not one to be a worrier, so whatever happens happens.  I'll deal with it as it comes.

The kids are doing fabulous.  Abby is loving school (as always).  Can't believe she is in the 4th grade!  I still remember bringing her to her first day of kindergarten.  Next August I'll get to do that with Ethan.  Time goes by so fast!  Ethan started preschool this July and is loving every minute of it.  Any shyness he once had is gone.  He is making so many friends and LOVES to learn.  He feels like such a big kid and it's nice for him to have a break away from mom and Aaron during the day 3 times a week.  Plus with Ethan at preschool and Abby at school, Aaron gets me all to himself (at least for another 8 weeks).  Aaron is becoming such a little person.  He turned 2 in June and is becoming such a fabulous little person.  He is talking so well and I love having conversations with him and be able to understand him.  He was born such a grumpy little baby that I was really worried about how he'd turn out, but he is such the loving little sweetheart!  He's always giving me kisses and hugs and is always concerned about everyone if they are hurt.  He's counting and learning new things just like his big brother which makes him feels ultra cool!  

Abby is in her full 2nd year of soccer and she has gotten SO much better than where she started.  She usually plays defense because she has gotten such spunk and is definitely not afraid to go after that ball and protect the goal.  She is truly fun to watch and I have definitely become a very proud soccer mom!  I scream louder than most cheering her and the other girls on.  Though I try not to jump up and down with such a heavy front load like I did last year.  LOL!  This year I am the team mom which made Abby very happy.  She is also in her 5th year of girl scouts.  She got promoted to Juniors this year.  Lots of exciting new adventures for her to go on and experience this year.

Bob is doing well...busy as usual, but actually starting to take more time for himself which I highly encourage.  It's good for the soul and to help keep you out of a work hell hole that some find themselves in.  

Bob and I just celebrated our 10th Anniversary on 9/9/11.  Can't believe it's been 10 years already...goes by so super fast, especially once you have children.  We've been very lucky.  We've been together 18 years this year and have been able to grow up together and grow together as a family.  I wouldn't change anything...only can hope for at least 50 more of these fabulous years.

I am doing great.  Just waiting for these 8 weeks to pass by so I can meet my latest little man to come into my life.  I'm very excited and can't wait!  My crafting business (Jess Fabulous Designs) has marked it's first full year on 9/1/11 and so far doing better than I initially thought it would.  I have had tons of orders that keep me busy most nights.  I still love doing it and hopefully I will be able to do it for more years to come.  I will be taking a much needed break from it this November so I can focus on Owen and the other kidlets for a while until I can get a routine going again with another addition.

Well, that's all for now.  I will post some pics of the kids and more stories later.  Night all!